While completing a 7-day transformation challenge with Prophetess Amanda Ferguson, I saw for the very first time in my life a beautiful hummingbird outside of my window extracting nectar from my blooming plant.  What’s funny is that I’ve never seen a hummingbird before (other than pictures or figurines) but instinctively I said with awe, “Look! A hummingbird!”  It was the most beautiful experience and it was the perfect moment.  I was able to get a few awkward photos before it disappeared for the first time and then moments later, it returned for my one final glance.  Prophetically, I knew that this hummingbird sighting meant something special so I started researching this colorful creation.

” But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you…”  Job 12:7 NKJV

Hummingbirds are extraordinary (very unusual or remarkable; astonishing; exceptional; amazing; astonishing) birds in that they are the smallest species of birds, they can fly backwards.  They are the only species of birds that can hover up/down, and can go from flying full speed to an instant stop!  Their wings beat up to 80 beats per minute which creates the iconic “humming” sound.  What’s more is their undeniable beauty and their remarkable ability to move their small wings in the pattern of the circle eight recognized as the infinity symbol.  In fact, the number eight turned sideways is the actual symbol of the infinity sign 🙂

What does this tell us?

The number eight from a biblical standpoint means “new beginnings” or a new order of creation denoting Resurrection or Regeneration.  The infinity symbol is a ancient Latin concept used in mathematics and physics that means unboundless or limitless; It can also mean eternity-forever-never ending!  Hummingbirds are not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but I do believe in my heart that my hummingbird sighting was a beautiful reminder from God to behold his wonderful creation!

O Lord, how manifold are your works!  In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures…” Psalm 104:24 ESV


3 thoughts on “Hummingbirds in the Spring

      1. Yes gyroscope with eyes all around x 4 the perfect vision of the kingdom. Did u ever see my kingdom shape theology videos? Square circle triangle rev Golden key 777 333. Shapes Father Numbers Son Colors Holy Spirit


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